04 February, 2012

Generic/General Agate (Akid) Rocks… Small to Big

There are thousands of agates variations, mostly cut into jewelry size gemstones for rings, pendants, bracelets and others.  But the bigger rock size pieces are normally used for ionizing the air around the agate, harmonize the yin and yang (the positive and negative aspects) in the atmosphere keeping the room cool, and accordingly to its colours…  does whatever enhances its matrix of energies best.

Besides the above, the agate rocks are also known to be “protectors”.  The agate rock acts as a security guard to your home. It deters off unwanted or intrusive visitors and even neighbours.  It brings about a sense of secured sanctuary.

You can harness this abilities/attributes of these agate rocks to give you the secured feeling about leaving your home and family in a safe situation, and you can go about your work/business with discretion.
It could be a handful of agates buried on either side of your entrance driveway, or on the four corners of your boundaries outpost. If it is a big piece, it could be at the front of your entrance door, or in your  den or study room.

Say an affirmation in your mind energizing the agate to help in the balance of energies around, and the peace and security of the place, and also whatever else that is in your mind. Then let the agate crystal do their work.

At TreasureCity we have a big range of Agate Rocks and all of them at very reasonable prices.  Please do come around to see them for yourself.  

22 January, 2012

Five Elements

Life on Earth is the presence and balance of these following five elements. ALL Crystals matrix are made up of the five elements in different percentages which bring about its attributes. 

EARTH is associated with grounding and support. It is muted tones such as yellows and brown. These colors slow the energies. Shapes of the earth energy are squares and rectangles; they are horizontal shapes that encourage the grounding of energy.  Earth on its own revolution creates gravity. It is a big magnet with North and South poles as centers of attractions. Its magnetic field and gravitational force has considerable effects on everything, living and non-living.

WATER Release and Renewal. This is represented in the form of liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam, cloud). It forms part of every plant and animal. Our whole body is mostly water. The element of water is expressed in dark blues and black. These colors invite personal wisdom. The energy of water element is represented by any shape that produces flow. Still water energy is represented by any shape that would holds water and creates a womb like effect. Moving water shapes are drawn as cascades or ripples. This energy flows to the sides and down.

METAL (mental power) – The metal element is introduced through the colors of white, silver and gray. These colors are sharp and influence intelligence. The metal colors are also represented by the powerful rainbow and bring both healing and creativity. The circle is the shape that brings in the metal element. In a circle, energy is constantly moving in an expanding cycle sending energy outward. This flow of energy often brings individuals into a collective commune.

FIRE Represents light and heat which account the seasons, energy, enthusiasm, passion and vigour. The colors that represent the element of fire (expansion and transformation) are red, orange and similar colours that bounces light and energizes. The shapes that create the energy of fire are angular such as pyramids, triangles, diamonds, and sunbursts. These shapes send energy quickly in all directions and therefore create movement and change.

WOOD is personal growth. This element encompasses colors that are clear and energizing. These colors are greens associated with growth and purples inviting abundance. Wood represents energy that moves vertically and is therefore associated with cylinders and columns.

In between the above five elements is

AIR/SPACE also known as Ether and the Spirit or the Cosmic Force. AIR the oxygen within it is a life supporting element. Air is a very powerful life source. Human physical comfort values are directly and sensitively dependent on correct humidity, air flow, temperature of air, air pressure, air composition and its content.  It provides shelter to all the above elements. It is also considered the primary conductor of all energy sources within the universal context – physical energies such as sound and light, social energies such as psychological and emotional, and cognitive energies such as intellect and intuition.

There is an invisible and constant relation between all the five elements. Thus, the person can improve their conditions by properly designing their buildings by understanding the effectiveness of these five natural forces.

Combining all the five elements of nature and balances them with the person and the material. It takes advantage of the benefits bestowed by the five elements of nature to create a congenial living and working environment thereby facilitating spiritual well-being and paving the way for enhanced health, wealth, prosperity and happiness.

27 December, 2011

Manifest What You Want With Crystals & Gemstones

How to manifest what you want with crystals and gemstones? 
What should you do to get the full value of the attributes of crystals and gemstones?

Each and every crystal and gemstone is a class of its own.  You have to learn and understand as much as possible as to its attributes, what it signifies, etc.  In the past it was difficult and expensive to get and buy books, but nowadays, you just have to ‘google’ it (do a search on the internet) and you will get all the answers.

On understanding that, then you need to have with you or on you the crystals or gemstones that are connected to what you want or desire. You begin by … VISUALIZING - use your imagination and vividly imagine what you want to attract, be sure to really passionate into the feeling. What does it look like, feel like, taste, how will you be in relationship with this experience. Do this every now and then, to register the 'movie' in your head as something that you want or desire with all your heart and soul.

As you visualizing about it, be conscious as to your BREATHING. Focus on your breath inhale the feeling of what you desire and exhale any resistance. You would be surprised how much resistance you may be holding and how your breath will reveal it to you.

Understand the Chakra Energy Centres and its colours.  Tap into its energy. . Identify which ‘chakra’ is the energy of what you desire and intentionally imagine yourself breathing in the colours that you need… towards the centre of the chakra that you have identified. This can be done each morning and night when you are doing the above exercises and meditating.

Make your INTENTION specific, loud and clear.  Also set a goal to take 1 action daily towards what you want to manifest. Make that action a priority… the first thing you do each day.

AFFIRM.  Motivate yourself with affirmations that are believable to you. Repeat it regularly … like a mantra or prayers several times a day. This will set the energy in motion to experience it in your physical reality.

Talk to yourself… Write it down… - leave messages for yourself, notes, email, text messages and voicemail. Read it… Congratulate yourself as if what you desire has already occurred.  This may sound silly, but it is a very important aspect of believing with full faith that you will get what you want or desire. 

All the above steps are needed to move you toward vibrational resonance with the crystals and gemstones to super-charge that creative energy. Depending on the personal intensity of the above practice, it takes a minimum of 21 days to affect the neuropath ways in the brain to support a new state of vibration that will bring you the success factor into your being. 

17 August, 2011

Understanding Brainwaves Frequencies, the Unconscious and Affirming Human Potential

Among the highly educated ones It is a well-known fact that our brains are electrochemical organs, made up of billions of neurons which communicate with each other by sending electrical signals. With medical equipment like electroencephalographs, brain activity is displayed graphically in wavelike patterns, which are called brainwaves.

Although the different frequencies of brainwaves are not always clear cut, there are gradations within each category, or the categories are often intermixed, basically there are 4 general categories of brainwaves.

Beta Waves
These are the waves that our brains generate when we are wide awake, active and engaged in mental activity, usually involving more the left hemisphere, which is the rational, reality-oriented hemisphere of our brain. When beta wave activity becomes very intense, in actuality, our brain hemispheres become less synchronized in their functioning.

Alpha Waves
These are lower frequency waves, which are generated when we are in a relaxed state and not actively engaged in rigorous mental, problem-solving or routine task-executing activity. Our thoughts are really not concentrated and our minds wonder freely. When we are engaged in relaxing activities, or when we are meditating, we are usually generating alpha waves. When in an alpha state, a person is more receptive to suggestions, since beta activity, with its reality-checking orientation is no longer in charge. Creativity, and creative visualization can be facilitated by alpha waves. In the alpha stage… our brain hemispheres become naturally synchronized, or in-phase with each other.

Theta Waves
The frequency of these waves is even lower resulting in deeper relaxation, and sometimes trance-like states, where the mind feels as though it may have gone to sleep although it hasn’t. Prolonged day-dreaming, or deep meditation can induce this low-frequency brain activity, during which an apparent “loss of time” may be experienced, or the person might say that he had lost touch with the real, material world and was “elsewhere”. Theta waves are also conducive to visualization and creativity and the mind in this very tranquil state is even more receptive to suggestion and hypnosis. Here, too, our brain hemispheres are well synchronized and we experience whole brain functioning.

Delta Waves
This is the slowest band of waves that our brains produce and they occur when we are in deep, dreamless sleep. These waves are very beneficial for the body which restores and heals itself when in this state.

The brainwave patterns that are of interest to our discussion are those of the alpha and the theta waves. Precisely because our reality-oriented, critical, conscious mind is relaxed during these states, they are ideal for embedding affirmations and suggestions directly into the subconscious without the reality-testing filter of our conscious mind.

The power of the subconscious mind is recognized by all schools of psychology, no matter what terminology they choose to describe it. Within our subconscious are contained in a very compressed and highly interrelated form all our observations, experiences, learning, interpretations, thoughts, beliefs, values that we have accumulated over the course of our lives. This data in our subconscious mind is uniquely subjective in that it has been combined with emotional states to produce what comprises our unique mental programming.

Once this mental programming has been established it is as if we are operating on automatic pilot. Our core beliefs, what we believe to be true about the world, ourselves and our relationship to it, and our automatic thoughts, which are off-shoots of our core beliefs tend to form our choices, and shape our destiny. The subconscious mind does not distinguish between reality or fantasy but just accepts our conscious thoughts as facts and instructions. For this reason, new research and technology on how to directly influence the content of our subconscious, by inducing alpha and theta states and using affirmations and suggestions can greatly help in reprogramming the subconscious mind and encourage new, more constructive and positive behavior.

Crystals and Gemstones has the vibratory frequencies of balancing the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, causing whole brain functioning and inducing brainwaves to a specific frequency, usually alpha or theta, which are our most receptive states to suggestion and change.

While in a relaxed alpha or theta state we can achieve a great variety of results:

  • We can enhance our creativity and intuition.
  • We can improve our learning ability, memory, and concentration.
  • We can improve our physical and mental health.
  • We can increase our confidence, reduce stress and depression, overcome addictions, program ourselves for healthier eating patterns, etc.

All that is required is that we seriously set aside some time, usually 30 minutes, every day to affirm to ourselves whatever it is according to our specific goals.

Gradually, as the subconscious begins to accept the suggestions, a gradual shift is experienced in feeling and thought about the specific issue we are addressing. Our self-talk, our internal monologue, becomes influenced by the suggestions / affirmations of our program. Soon, we “catch” ourselves repeating these suggestions as a new response to events or stimuli in our lives. For example, if we are using the affirmation “I am successful” in our program, when we accomplish something in our daily life, this affirmation will automatically begin to run through our conscious mind. In time, our behavior changes and as our behavior changes so do our results. As we observe our new results, our sense of satisfaction, progress and accomplishment further reinforces the process of reprogramming our minds. Now, our conscious mind can also participate in the process, because it can no longer refute the new beliefs, attitudes or effects and when conscious and subconscious work together in harmony all sorts of results are possible for us.

14 August, 2011

Positive Attitude


Do you know why most people have a tendency not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life?

Well, generally it is because they just do not know that they need to have an extremely positive attitude. It is only with that… you'll have a greater expectation of success and more personal power. It forever appears that we get what we anticipate, and when you anticipate success and power that is precisely what you'll wind up discovering.

That is the one thing that differentiates happy and successful individuals from unsuccessful individuals.

We can never control or fully understand how a person will react to a simple remark or action… (good or bad) however what we may control is how we respond to them. How you look at things is always your personal choice is to what you make of it.

With INTENSE POSITIVE ATTITUDE with high frequencies vibrating in your surroundings, always looking at how we can put things in a optimistic constructive light would be a wise choice… as in that way we may make fresh selections, take a different action, therefore bringing ourselves toward achieving happiness and success.

Always… always keep a positive mental attitude for life success is utterly crucial and provides great personal power. Associate with like minded enthusiastic people is always the right thing to do, and get whatever support you can to face the realities of life… plus of course the help of crystals and gemstones.